Contact Us

As an organisation, we acknowledge the significant impacts COVID-19 has had on all our communities since March 2020. We know our clients, participants, volunteers, employees and partners have all faced significant challenges during this time.

COVID-19 continues to challenge us in many ways but Community Accessability is committed to minimising the impact on our services for clients and participants. As an essential service, we are continuing to offer the majority of our services and programs, and are taking all reasonably practicable steps required to ensure the health and safety of all clients, staff and others from the risk of COVID-19.

Our COVID-19 and vaccination policies

Community Accessability has prepared and implemented a COVID-19 Pandemic Policy, which outlines the strategies and actions that Community Accessability will take to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. The Policy has been circulated to all employees, volunteers and contractors. 

We understand that some of our clients and participants are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19 due to age and/or health conditions. Therefore, as of November 2021, all Community Accessability employees, volunteers and subcontractors have been required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

What should I do if I feel unwell?

Anyone with symptoms should immediately self-isolated and go get tested for COVID-19. For information on your closest testing sites or for any advice, contact the National Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 020 080.

If your situation is an emergency, contact 000.

We ask our clients or participants that are feeling unwell to please contact us to cancel your service.

Further information

To download Community Accessability’s COVID-19 Pandemic FAQs for participants click here.

If you require further advice or have any questions about our COVID-19 policies and precautions, please don’t hesitate to call us on 1300 704 530 or

With the COVID-19 situation continually changing, we recommend our community stays up to date with the latest information and advice about the pandemic by visiting the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website and the Australian Government Department of Health website.